Education Curriculum
I have been teaching college level courses since the mid 80s at schools like Mount Holyoke, University of California Santa Cruz, Stanford, West Valley College, University of Nevada Las Vegas and currently teach at Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, CA. I teach a range of courses from Elements of Design & Drawing to Costume Histories, Costume Design, Scenic Design, Make-up (design & application) and Costume Construction.
I have also designed and produced dozens of sets and 1000s of costumes for youth performance and education. I also have a K-5 Art Program for Children called The Art Box which teaches children K-5th grade about art materials and artists using the California State standards.

Coming Soon

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Reading books about the Artists is mixed into these early education art lessons. First book read is Tomie de Paola's, The Art Lesson

For a combined lesson of figure drawing and action figures I read a book about Degas. They create a drawing template in 'Brad Body' and create a ballerina using chalk pastels.